News Shows

We offer dozens of distinct news programs throughout the week. Many are incorporated into our presentation of the BBC World Service. Other programs for morning and evening rush come from the American Public Media network (APM) and from the Public Radio Exchange (PRX) station program distribution system.

We’re always glad to take your calls to help locate stories you’ve heard on the air, and most features are accessible as recordings online the day after broadcast. Here are some links to get you started!

The World – 6 am & 6 pm weekdays

This program is a co-production of station GBH in Boston and PRX with special emphasis on reporting from the BBC and Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC). The program is completed toward the end of each weekday in north America and re-broadcast the morning following. Their website is and equally accessible at their prior network address,

BBC NewsRoom and NewsHour

NewsRoom is a live, quick update on world news at 7 am. NewsHour at 8 is BBC Radio’s premier news program specially-curated for a North American audience. Start your weekend with the same quality, live news on the Saturday edition of NewsHour at 7 am. All of these programs are presented as part of the BBC World Service and heard after-the-fact at

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