
“For Thoughtful People Like You”

Our News is unique for its look in depth at the day’s events. We don’t just give you headlines without the full picture; our news helps fulfil public broadcasting’s mission to educate the public on matters of public policy.

Our news programming is anchored by the BBC World Service overnights ’til 6. Then it’s The World from Public Radio International, then more from the BBC with The Newsroom and Business Daily in the 7 o’clock hour. At 8 it’s NewsHour – world news specially curated and presented for a north-American audience.

We like to say that “Radio Kansas means business,” because in addition to Marketplace Tech and the Marketplace Morning Report each morning, the evening edition of the show is more than a half hour of business news beginning at 5 o’clock. We give you a broad update with another broadcast of The World at 6.

Weekends are a time to reach out – personally, socially and emotionally. Our weekend offerings allow you to empathize with people all over the world – and you may just learn something on Tech Nation, The Science Hour or Travel with Rick Steves!

Local News Program Host Bios
Geralyn Smith—Morning Drivetime
JD Hershberger—Evening Drive
News Times

Program Schedule